Learning objectives usually take few lines in a course syllabus or in a lesson plan, but properly composed and clearly stated learning objectives can influence the flow of the learning process greatly.
Although objective writing process may seem quite obvious,
in fact an instructor should constantly keep several things in mind: what
should learners Know? what can learners actually do and what Skills should they
have? what attitude towards the learning process and its results should
learners reflect and how are they Affected? In other words learning objects
depend on at least 3 parameters (SKAs).
To be considered clear and effective, in other words
“SMART”, learning objectives should satisfy a number of requirements. They must
- Specific (learners realize what is expected from them).
- Measurable (the teacher can say if objectives are achieved or not).
- Achievable (it is possible for learners in their particular situation to say “Done!” and put a huge check next to the objective).
- Relevant (objectives are related to the course in general and learners can understand why they need to achieve this objective).
- Timely (the timeframe given to achieve the objective is reasonable).
Acronym SMART occurred back in 1981. In today’s world being
SMART is not enough, learning objectives are becoming SMARTER: we should always
keep in mind that learning process, and thus objectives we set for our learners, must be Engaging and Rewarding as well.