Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Autonomous Listening and Speaking

Autonomous usage of language skills is the top of the mountain called “Language Learning”. When we talk about autonomous listening and speaking we mean an ability to communicate orally with other people to solve one’s problems and satisfy one’s needs (first with peers, and then outside the classroom) by means of the language, from ordering a cup of coffee to discussing work issues with a boss. Learners achieve autonomous listening and speaking when they are able to do everything, they practiced during their task-based English classes, without a teacher’s scaffolding and support.


  1. Hi Margarita!
    Yes, that is the goal. What a great feeling for the students to be able to function outside the classroom!

  2. Sometimes I have to stop and remember not to take the ability to communicate fluently for granted. If I were plopped down in a foreign land with no knowlegde of the native language, ordering a cup of tea (I don't like coffee) would be a huge struggle. We have to give a lot of credit to our students when they reach the point of autonomy.


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